Are Pomapoos Hypoallergenic? [Answer + Grooming Tips]

Are Pomapoos Hypoallergenic

A Pomapoo is a designer dog breed that is the adorable cross between a Pomeranian and a Toy or Miniature Poodle. The small, teddy bear-like dog inherits the best traits of both parent breeds and ends up an affable and loving companion dog. 

While the Poodle’s coat is classified as hypoallergenic by the American Kennel Club, the Pomeranian is not. Whether a Pomapoo’s coat is hypoallergenic will depend on which parent it takes after. If it inherits more Poodle qualities, there is a high likelihood of a hypoallergenic coat. 

However, a Pomeranian can shed a fair bit. Pomeranians sturdy, small dogs, descended from the German Spitz line and named after the Pomerania region in northwest Poland. They are adorable, hardy dogs that are increasingly bred to be small companion dogs. 

The Standard Poodle was originally bred in Germany to retrieve game from the water for wild fowl hunters. In German, Poodle or “Pudel” is derived from an old German word that means “to splash.” 

The Poodle was a hot favorite in France and Germany because of its intelligence, trainability, and athleticism. It was frequently employed in circuses and bred smaller, making them easier to transport in a traveling circus. 

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Toy Poodle became synonymous with a circus performance. Demand exploded, and the Toy Poodle remains to this day, one of the most popular breeds of companion dogs. 

Do Pomapoos Shed A Lot?

Although a Poodle’s coat is classified hypoallergenic by the American Kennel Club, a Pomeranian’s coat is not. Being a mixed breed, a Pomapoo could take over the traits of either parent. Whether a Pomapoo sheds depends on which of the two parent breeds it takes after more. 

A dog or any coated animal regularly loses old or damaged hair that makes up the undercoat. It is a natural, healthy way for dogs to rid themselves of unneeded or damaged hair and a way of dealing with temperature changes.

Dogs tend to shed more in summer when it is hot and grow thicker coats in winter. Spring will see the most significant amount of shedding when dogs blow off their winter coats in preparation for the warmer days of summer coming up. 

What Can Affect Shedding?

The breed of the dog and its inherited traits are one of the primary factors in determining how much a dog will shed. In addition, many other factors like seasonal changes, diet, mental and physical health will affect the amount of fur you’ll be up against. 

The length of the coat does not affect how much a dog sheds. Some long-coated dogs are low-shedding breeds and can even be classed hypoallergenic like the Bouvier des Flandres. 

Other short-haired breeds of dogs are known to shed a lot! The northern breeds like the Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamutes, and Akitas have double coats with a thick undercoat to protect from the cold.

Shepherds, Retrievers, Rottweilers, and Corgis have double coats with undercoats that shed year-round, intensifying in hot weather. 

While shedding is natural in a healthy dog, excessive shedding might indicate a more profound underlying condition. 

1. Poor Nutrition

Low-quality dog food is known to have filler ingredients that some dogs are sensitive to. Other dogs are simply not getting enough nutrition from cheap food. 

Dog owners have reported increased shedding when they switched to a cheaper, lower-quality brand of food. If you’re constantly brushing balls of fluff away from your furball, or an increased amount of hair in your home, it might be time to upgrade the dog food to high-quality, premium kibble.

2. Skin Conditions

If your dog is constantly scratching, excessively licking, or biting an area, it might just have an acute skin condition caused by fungi, ringworms, fleas, ticks, mites, or parasites.

Any red areas or inflammation could indicate a skin condition or infection. Treat the area immediately with topical treatments or antibacterial shampoos. Without treatment, the infection could spread and cause many more severe problems. 

In addition, some dogs are sensitive to the many chemicals around the home. Skin contact with floor cleaners or other chemicals could cause irritation or allergic reactions, so think about switching cleaning supplies to organic, natural ingredients. 

If you feel unable to manage the problem, always see a veterinarian. 

3. Serious Illness

Unfortunately, excessive shedding can also indicate a severe illness like cancer, autoimmune diseases, kidney, thyroid, and liver problems, as well as the rare case of Cushing’s. 

4. Allergies

Just like humans, dogs can develop allergies. Common environmental allergens include pollen, mold, fleas, or mites. 

In addition, food allergies are more common in dogs than we think. Beef, dairy, wheat, chicken, corn, and soy are common food allergens found in commercial dog food. If you suspect a food allergy, switch the food out and opt for natural ingredients. Dogs are also omnivores and will do well on a plant-based diet. 

5. Stress

A dog under stress can potentially shed more. Some dog owners have reported increased shedding after a visit to a vet or if in pain. 

What Causes Dog Allergies?

Most often, a dog allergy is triggered by the flakes of dead skin called dander, not the fur, as opposed to popular belief. In addition, the proteins found in the dog’s skin cells, urine, or saliva can trigger an allergic reaction. 

Symptoms of a pet allergy are: 

  • Sneezing
  • Itchy and watery eyes
  • Nasal congestion and runny nose 
  • Itchy nose, roof of the mouth, or the throat 
  • Facial pressure and pain 
  • Swollen skin under the eyes
  • Cough
  • Allergic dermatitis
  • Hives
  • Itchy and inflamed skin

Allergies happen when your immune system mistakenly thinks that a substance is a harmful invader. Your body then sends antibodies to attack a particular allergen, causing an inflammatory response in your passages or lungs, causing a respiratory reaction. 

Allergies to dogs and cats are mainly from the dander, tiny, microscopic flakes of skin that remain airborne and collect easily in furniture, bedding, rugs, and carpets. 

How To Minimize Dog Allergies

If you notice yourself sniffling and sneezing around Fido, you might have a pet allergy. Unfortunately, these allergies seldom go away on their own. However, you can take steps to minimize allergic reactions and keep the dander down to a minimum.

1. Daily Brushing

Brush your dog’s coat daily outdoors to remove dead hair and dander. Wash the brush and your hands immediately after the grooming session to minimize how dander gets indoors. 

2. Keep The Pooch Off The Couch 

Although cuddling up on the couch or bed is the best thing in the world, keeping your dog off the sofa and bedding will reduce the number of allergens found trapped in upholstery. Reduce the mats, rugs, and carpets; these guys love trapped fur and dander and could trigger a reaction. 

3. Bathe Your Dog Regularly

Studies have shown that a bath can reduce the level of allergens by as much as 85%. 

However, don’t bathe too frequently or use a natural, organic shampoo brand. Harsh chemicals found in commercial shampoos could strip the dog’s coat of natural, healthy oils and damage the coat and skin. 

4. Clean Clean Clean! 

All pet owners know the value of a good vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency particulate air filter. Wipe all surfaces down regularly with a rag and a homemade cleaning solution like vinegar and lemon. 

Tiled or wood floors are easier to keep allergen-free than carpets and rugs, so think about reducing the fabrics or limit your pup’s access to them. 

5. Wash Pooch’s Bedding Often

Although your dog isn’t likely to be impressed by a detergent-smelling bed, frequently washing the dog bed and bedding will reduce the number of allergens in the air. 

Grooming Needs Of Pomapoos

While the Poodle is a hypoallergenic dog with a low-shedding coat, a Pomeranian is a feisty, thick-coated dog that is a moderate shedder. Being a mixed breed dog, how much your Pomapoo sheds depends on which parent breed it takes after more. 

If your Pomapoo’s coat is curly or wavy, it might indicate a more robust Poodle gene. That’s good news for folks with allergies! The Poodle is a classified hypoallergenic dog that will suit allergy sufferers well. 

A brush a few times a week might be enough to keep the dander and hair off the couch, while a bath every two weeks or so can further reduce allergens in the coat. 

However, if your Pomapoo takes after the Pomeranian more, he is going to shed. A daily brush will be necessary to remove dead hair and dander, and a bath should be taken every week.

In addition to frequent brushings and baths, your Pomapoo will also have to have its nails cut, and eyes and ears cleaned regularly to prevent infections.

As often as you can, opt for organic, natural ingredients in grooming products. Pet grooming supplies often contain harmful chemicals that dogs can get sick from or develop allergic reactions. 

Dogs bathed too regularly also might have healthy oils stripped from their coats from harsh chemicals.  

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