Are Pomskies Easy To Train? [A Complete Guide]

Are Pomskies Easy To Train

Some dog lovers create misconceptions about the Pomsky. They see this sweet little teddy bear of a dog with its miniaturized Husky features and think that it’s going to be a cute dog that is a dream to raise. However, these dogs need as much basic training as any other pet to get the right behaviors and obedience levels. There are also additional issues to contend with because of their linage. So, what do you need to know about training a Pomsky?

Are Pomskies easy to train? Unfortunately, the short answer here is no. The majority of Pomsky pups struggle because of their stubborn side and their owners’ lack of experience. Housebreaking, socialization, and separation anxiety can cause problems. But, it is possible to get past all issues and help your pet.

Pomskies are Intelligent Dogs

This is a clever little dog and, with time, you can use this to your advantage with different forms of training and fun games at home.

Usually, when you hear that a dog has the potential to be more intelligent than average, you would expect this to be a benefit when it comes to training.

However, that isn’t necessarily the case with this dog.

Pomsky Temperament

The Pomsky temperament can make things more difficult.

The Siberian Husky has a strong independent streak that can manifest as stubbornness. If they don’t want to do something or aren’t in the mood to play along with your training games, they won’t.

Furthermore, some Pomeranians exhibit similar behavior traits.

Therefore, there is a good chance that this trait will be passed down to Pomsky pups.

You might find that there are days where they are happy to play games and learn new “tricks” with you – as these dogs can also have an affectionate and playful side.

But, push them too far or catch them at the wrong time, and they might not be so compliant.

Is this true for all Pomskies?

No, and that is where some of the confusion may stem from.

There are sure to be plenty of Pomsky owners with blogs and social media accounts talking about how easy it was to shape their pup into a sweet, obedient dog that is perfectly socialized and housebroken.

However, these dog owners are probably either in the minority that gets a Pomsky without the stubborn side or part of a group of experienced owners that understand how to get the best out of their dog.

It isn’t so easy for everyone else.

Are Pomskies Easy to Potty Train?

Pomsky owners will say that this hybrid is difficult to potty train because of its small size and subsequent small bladders.

More miniature puppies have a greater chance of having accidents and, until they are trained, they will go when they feel the need.

So, you must set up a great schedule and an area outside to learn to wait and not go in the house.

How to Get your Pomsky to Pee Outside?

A pomskie peeing outside

It will help greatly if you can find that ideal place outside where the dog can go.

Find a spot that is a reasonable distance from the back door where your dog can go with ease.

Take them to the same place each time and praise them when they go.

Eventually, they will head to the spot on their own when you let them out.

Keep up the praise and positive reinforcement. As they get older with better bladder control, there should be fewer accidents.

Also, it is on you to understand when your dog will need to go out.

Be ready to let them out every 30 minutes when they are young and also straight after eating.

Socializing a Pomsky to Prevent Small Dog Syndrome

The term Small Dog Syndrome refers to a range of behaviors that small dogs exhibit when they feel that their size is an obstacle.

They want to feel and act as though they are the biggest, most important dog in the pack. This can lead to a lot of excitable behavior and jumping, but it can also lead to aggression and poor tolerance of other people and dogs.

Pomeranians can develop this due to their size and role as companion dogs.

So, Pomskies need plenty of socialization with other people and animals to avoid issues.

The earlier you do this, the better.

Pomskies and Separation Anxiety

These dogs love their owners and families so much, and this devotion can be an issue if you ever need to leave them alone for a while.

Separation anxiety is common with many dog breeds.

Dogs get scared that their caregivers aren’t going to come back again, and the absence can feel like an eternity.

Ideally, Pomskies should be in a household where someone is home most of the time.

If you can’t achieve this, try and minimize the time alone and give the dog a comfortable crate/den where they can occupy themselves and feel safe.

Dealing with Pomsky Barking and Howling

Then there is the issue of barking and howling.

Pomskies can be very vocal dogs.

For starters, you may have a little dog that is keen for attention and may learn to use its voice to get its way.

You have the potential issue of them barking when on their own, which ties in with the separation anxiety issues. Furthermore, some Pomskies will develop the ability to howl like their Husky parent.

It’s crucial to keep all this under control from an early age. A little howling and talking in gratitude is cute and not too much of an issue.

Frequent barking is a bigger deal.

Once you figure out why they are barking, you can correct that behavior and remove triggers.

How to Discipline a Pomsky?

There may be times where your Pomsky doesn’t want to comply and will either refuse to follow the command or wander off to do something else. This is where that independent streak kicks in.

So, how do you correct the dog and get them to come back to training?

The first thing to do is remember that positive reinforcement is always a better option than negative reinforcement.

Negative reinforcement means scolding or forcing the dog to do something they don’t want to do. Your Pomsky will not respond well to this and may be less inclined to train with you in the future.

Instead, focus on positive reinforcement by responding to positive actions.

If you do need to correct negative behaviors, such as nipping or the dog going where they shouldn’t stay calm.

Say no in a firm tone and reward the dog for stopping.

Making it Easier to Train A Pomsky

What else can you do to make it easier to train a Pomsky?

Small bursts of training sessions with consistent approaches can help your Pomsky engage with you and learn a lot faster.

If you try and teach too much in one go or push the repetition of the session for too long, they will get bored and start to act up.

Create a fun little game where you focus on a single command for 10 minutes or so. Use that positive reinforcement for every correct action and praise the dog for their progress. It won’t take long for them to figure out the commands and learn what is expected.

But, it does help if you use the same tone and hand signals each time.

With that in mind, make sure that other members of the household follow your lead.

When it comes to determining the best approach for positive reinforcement, you may decide that it is better to use a clicker or a toy as a reward than food.

You don’t want to overfeed these little dogs, and they are smart enough to figure out how to get more treats from you.

Clickers provide that consistency, and Pomskies will quickly understand what the sound means.

Professional Help

Should you get professional help when training Pomskies?

Some Pomsky owners will find that they create the right sort of training sessions and are slowly able to get the best out of their dogs at home. This might not be the case the first time around, as many learn from their mistakes.

If you are struggling, you can look into obedience classes with professional trainers in your area. There is no need to struggle with problem behavior, especially in older dogs, if help is available.

Just make sure that your dog has some socialization skills if they will be in a room with lots of other puppies and strangers.

Final Thoughts – Are Pomskies Easy to train?

In short, these little dogs can be a challenge when it comes to practical training. However, with the right approach and the perseverance to deal with that stubborn side, you can train your Pomsky to become an obedient, socialized dog with its barking and housebreaking under control. Don’t be afraid to call on expert help if needed to make things easier.

More info on Pomskies


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