What is a Bolonoodle Dog? An In-depth Guide

Poodle crossbreeds are a popular choice for dog owners that want a smarter animal that is also hypoallergenic. Creating a crossbreed with something like the Bolognese should then allow for a smaller, manageable apartment living breed. So, what can new owners expect when they choose a Bolonoodle?

What is a Bolonoodle Dog?

What is a Bolonoodle Dog? The Bolonoodle is a cross between a Bolognese and a Poodle. Therefore, you have a small lap dog crossed with a larger, smarter and more active dog. Owners can enjoy the benefits of the new hypoallergenic coat and curious nature but need to watch out when it comes to feeding and training.

Those interested in getting one of these hybrid dogs should also know that there isn’t a standardized name. Bolonoodle is common, largely because it is easy to say and gives a good impression of the parent breeds. Other names include the Bolognesepoo and Bolondoodle.

The Parentage of the Bolognese Poodle Cross

Unlike other hybrids, where the parentage is obvious, there is some difference between litters. This all depends on what type of Poodle breeders choose to use. There are three types of Poodles, and breeders may not specify which type they use for breeding. It is common to use a Miniature Poodle because this is a great medium-sized dog that is still quite tough. The toy is a little smaller. The other breed is the standard poodle. These dogs are more commonly used for crossbreeds with larger animals.

How Big Does the Bolonoodle Get?

Be aware that the size of the dog can depend on the poodle parent. Assuming that the Poodle mother is a Minature Poodle, you should expect a height of around 10-12 inches. They aren’t the smallest dogs, but they are still a compact animal. The weight can be anywhere between 6-12 pounds.

What do Bolonoodles look like?

Bolonoodle puppy

The Bolognese Poodle cross is a compact little dog with a rounded skull. They tend to look quite a lot like their Bolognese parent. But, they may develop a longer muzzle from their Poodle parent.

They also have dark eyes that are striking against their lighter coat.

The ears tend to flop down.

The Coat of a Bolonoodle

There is a good chance of a hypoallergenic curly coat because of the Poodle genes. This is a common reason why breeders choose Poodles for crossbreeds. There are fewer allergy risks, and you get a coat that is waterproof and manageable.

This curly looking coat also looks great on these smaller Bolonoodle crosses. The coat color is often white, as this is the color of the Bolognese.

But, darker colors may occur via the Poodle genetics, especially if the mother is a black Miniature Poodle rather than an apricot one.

What Does This Mean for Grooming Requirements?

This coat type should also mean that grooming is pretty straightforward. This single layer of hair doesn’t shed that much and doesn’t tangle as much as other coats. Coat clipping is helpful to keep it in a manageable condition.

Make sure to keep up with regular ear and eye cleaning, as well as nail clipping and dental hygiene.

Other Health Concerns Regarding Bolonoodles

There is a risk that these crosses will develop skin irritations and allergies. So, owners must choose any grooming products carefully. Gentle shampoos like oatmeal and other hypoallergenic options are a must.

There is also a risk of eye issues, such as retinal dysplasia and progressive retinal atrophy and knee problems. Owners should make sure that these dogs receive regular check-ups with their vet, including eye tests.

Can Bolognese Poodle Crosses Become Overweight?

There is also a concern about obesity. There is the risk of this animal putting on a lot of weight if owners aren’t careful with food choices and portion control.

It doesn’t help to give this animal the portions meant for a poodle and the exercise requirements of a Bolognese.

There has to be a healthy middle ground. If you are unsure of the best approach, contact your vet for advice on the right types of food.

What are the Activity Requirements for a Bolonoodle?

This is where it is harder to anticipate the traits of this dog.

On one side, you have a Bolognese father that is a companion dog with low activity requirements.

On the other, you have the Poodle mother that is more active and has experience as a working dog. There is a chance, therefore, that this dog may appreciate more games of fetch, especially around water.

Find the right balance to keep them fit and trim without tiring them out.

A bigger concern for new Bolonoodle owners could be the mental activity requirements of these dogs.

The Poodle genes mean that they need plenty of mental stimulation and could get bored at home quite easily.

So, it helps to provide plenty of toys and games. Food puzzles are a great way to keep them quiet for a while if you are busy with other tasks.

Or, you could sign up for agility classes together. This is great for engaging their brains but also a nice bonding experience.

What is the Temperament of the Bolonoodle Like?

The temperament of the Bolonoodle is pretty good. They can be attentive and inquisitive dogs and quite affectionate. They aren’t likely to lose that desire to be a lap dog just because they are a Poodle cross. These animals tend to do better in smaller households where there aren’t small children. But, good training and socialization mean that it could be fine with older kids.

Do Bolonoodles Bark A Lot?

This breed doesn’t bark as much as owners assume. Their size and attentive nature as a lap dog means that you won’t have a yappy breed. But, they tend to only bark when they need to.

Just note that they do like to get your attention, so they may use vocalization for this. Either way, training from an early age can help if they start barking a bit too much.

You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.

Winston churchill

Are Bolonoodles Easy to Train?

Another reason that Poodles are so popular for designer dogs is their intelligence. They are one of the smartest breeds out there. This means that training shouldn’t be a big problem. They will pick up commands pretty well, and their attentive side also means that they should respond quickly and want to please their owners.

However, they can also become bored quite quickly. So, it is best to train on your own where you can mix up the activities and adapt. They might walk off and try and do something more interesting during your training session.

Don’t get discouraged.

How much do Bolonoodle Puppies Cost?

Bolonoodle puppies can actually cost more than you expect.

In some cases, this could be as much as $1000. There are a couple of reasons for this.

The first is the desirability and growth in popularity in recent years. Families want “doodle” dogs, and this is a sweet option. The other reason is the high price of Bolognese dogs themselves.

These dogs aren’t common, and a good breeding male is expensive. So, breeders want to make a profit on the offspring created.

When choosing a Bolonoodle breeder, make sure that you find one that is experienced and reputable. You might have to travel a long way in order to visit the pups. But, this is essential to make sure that they are legitimate and healthy.

Meet the pups and the parents to get a better idea of the traits to expect from their offspring.

Also, don’t forget that there may be Bolonoodles available for rescue. This is a great way to find an adult dog in need of a better home.

Some owners won’t be able to handle the needs of this smart little dog or may underestimate the care needed.

You could come in and offer a second chance.

The Pros and Cons of a Bolonoodle


1) They are sweet little dogs that retain their lapdog instincts

2) They are easy, highly intelligent, and not too difficult to train

3) Their coats are manageable and hypoallergenic

4) They can work well with singletons, couples, and older families

5) They don’t require too much activity and can suit apartment living


1) You do need to be careful with their eye and skin health

2) Their intelligence and need for mental activity can be a challenge

3) They have a tendency towards obesity with the wrong diet

Is a Bolonoodle the right choice for you?

What this all means is that Bolognese Poodle cross owners can enjoy a nice blend of attributes.

You get a small companion dog that is affectionate and great for apartment living. But, they don’t exhibit the same clingy behavior or desire to bark as other lapdogs.

The quality of their coat and intelligence are also bonuses. As long as you are prepared to offer enough time and care, especially with their diet and mental stimulation, you should find that this is a great little pet.


Featured Image and Image #2 Credit: www.minidoogledogs.com




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