How Long Does It Take To Potty Train A Goldendoodle?

Cross the beautiful personality of a Golden Retriever and the intelligence and hypoallergenic coat of a Poodle, and what do you get? The wildly popular Goldendoodle! Goldendoodles can have wavy, shaggy, or curly hair, depending on what parent gene is dominant. They are also intelligent, active, and highly sociable pooches everyone loves, making them one of the most popular designer dog breeds. 

Like their parent breeds, Goldendoodles are intelligent and active dogs that are easily trained. It takes a minimum of two weeks to potty train a puppy, but the more realistic average is between four to eight weeks. Adults are easier to train as they learn faster and can hold their bladders for more extended periods. 

A Goldendoodle puppy at least five weeks old can start their potty training. Be patient and lenient; never get frustrated or angry. Puppies have tiny little bladders and cannot hold their pee very long. 

You can start consistent training when they reach twelve weeks old. Early training can be frustrating since they frequently relieve themselves because of their small bladders. 

A twelve-week-old puppy can only hold their pee for about two hours, so you’ll have to prepare for many nights of interrupted sleep to take your pup out for a wee. 

Remember that consistency and patience is the key to successful potty training. It may be challenging at first, but Goldendoodles are like their parents, who are naturally owner-pleasers. So, with the proper training, you and your dog can achieve your potty goal.

How to Potty-Train a Goldendoodle?

Potty-training a Goldendoodle is a process, not so much just a single endeavor. Remember, patience and consistency always! The training should also be fitted according to your dog’s breed and age.

Here is how to potty-train a Goldendoodle:

Set a Feeding Schedule

Feed your Goldendoodle with meals and water every day at a specific time. Setting up a feeding schedule will help you determine when your pooch will eliminate

Usually, it will take around thirty minutes to one hour for a puppy to relieve. Take your dog out five minutes after they eat or drink. Going out frequently with your pooch after he drinks water may be a hassle, but don’t deprive him of water to prevent dehydration.  

Establish Daily Routine

Establishing a daily routine will condition your pooch when and where he poops or pees. To fully engrave your dog with the set routines, consistency is key.  

Start by taking him out on a walk every morning a few minutes after you wake up. You can also take them out after they eat and play, before you sleep, and before you leave home. 

Consistently take your pooch outside by leading him to the same door out and to the same potty spot every day and, as much as possible, every single time. When he does his stuff, praise and treat lavishly like he just did the best thing in the world. Go over the top

Walk Them Out Frequently

Walking your dog out frequently will train him to relieve himself outside the house. The critical point here is patience. It may be annoying to go out with your dog now and then, but be patient to achieve your desired result. 

If your Goldendoodle is a pup or a miniature, he may have a small bladder that gets full quickly compared to big dogs. Your pup might be too young to have bladder control, so they pee more frequently than adults and large dogs

In taking your pooch out for a potty break, assign him an area where he will do his deed. Consistently lead him to the site so that he will associate the place as his potty space. The lingering smell of the area will also remind him of why he is out of the house. 

Going outside will also minimize the possibility of having accidents and other potty training issues inside your house. 

Restrict Some Areas at Home

When you get your Goldendoodle, whether a puppy or an adult one, tour him only to places where he is allowed to stay and wander inside the house. Ensure that these areas are where your pooch is visible to you or your family members. 

Dogs usually like soft surfaces where they can relieve themselves. So, it is advisable to restrict your pooch to areas with carpets

Stay Close

Let your dog stay close to you. You can have him on a leash or let him stay in the crate. If you don’t want to restrict your dog’s movement, you can let him stay or wander to places where you can see and observe him. 

Letting your dog stay close will make observation easier. You can observe his behavior and subtle or clear signs that he needs a potty break. You can also prevent or intervene in accidents inside the house. 

Give Commands

Giving commands to your dogs will facilitate potty training your Goldendoodle. Simple commands “go pee,” “poop,” or “potty break” will do because they are intelligent dogs

It may be difficult at first, but he will learn to associate the words with his potty break. Just do it consistently with the same words. If you use different words or commands, he will get confused, and it will take a long time for him to connect his potty to your orders. 


Reward your dog every time he accomplishes the things you want him to do. You can give him treats, a cuddle, or praise to show that he has done an excellent job. Since Goldendoodles wish to please their owners, they will repeat their actions every time they are rewarded by their owners or when they make their owners happy

Is it Easy to Potty Train a Goldendoodle?

Goldendoodles are way easier to train than other breeds. The Golden Retriever is a highly amicable dog that loves to please its hoo-mans, while the Poodle is the Einstein of the canine world. 

Goldendoodles tend to be smart, with the undeniably urge to do what you want. They don’t have aggression or rebellious issues, especially when kept physically and mentally stimulated. 

Tips on Potty-Training Your Goldendoodle

You may have done everything above during your potty training, still no luck?

Here are other tips to successfully potty-train your Goldendoodle:

Play After Relieving

Whenever you take your dog outside for a potty break, playing outside after a potty break is a reward for him. He will associate the potty break with playing, which will make him think that relieving outside is good behavior

Use Pee Pads

Pee pads are ideal for dog owners who live in an apartment or are busy with work and got no time to accompany the dog for a potty break outside. 

Assign an area where your dog can relieve himself. Place the pee pad in the chosen area and train your dog to relieve himself on the pad using the training tips mentioned above. Your dog will also go to the pee pad whenever he cannot walk outside for a potty break. 

Pee pads are an excellent alternative for outdoor potty training. Just fold it up, and voila, all gone! 

Expect Some Accidents

Accidents do happen when you potty train any dog. When this happens, keep calm and don’t lash out.

If you caught your pup in the act of relieving, interrupt them by getting their attention. You can say command words like “no” or “stop” or clap your hand to get his attention. 

Once you successfully interrupted your dog, immediately take him outside the house to resume his potty business. When he does, act as if it’s the best thing in the world! Praise and treat generously.

If the deed is done, don’t punish your dog. Clean it up instead. Make sure to thoroughly clean the area to eliminate the lingering scent. If his scent lingers, your dog might go back to the same place again to relieve. 

Restrict the area where the accident happened. Also, block the carpeted areas or those with soft surfaces because they like to do their stuff in such places

Don’t Punish

Punishing your dog is a major no-no when training, especially Goldendoodles because they are sensitive dogs. Your dog, especially if it is still a puppy, will be confused if you punish them during potty training. 

You have to be patient throughout the potty training. Don’t rush your pup when they relieve themselves. If you punish your dog, punishment will only inflict pain and fear, making him anxious or hostile towards you.

Like humans, it takes time for dogs to learn new behavior and develop new habits.

Crate Training

Crate training is also recommended when you can’t always supervise your dog. Dogs are naturally denning animals that hate soiling their living space. Crate training, when done right, will teach your pup how to hold his pee until you open the crate gates and lead him to his potty place

Fortunately, crate training Goldendoodles is easy because they can be easily trained to get inside the crate by themselves. However, this will only be successful if your pooch knows the crate as his safe place. Never use the crate as a form of punishment

Associate the crate with good stuff. You can reward your dog when he gets in the crate or put food inside or his favorite toys and make him feel that it is his safe place.

Be sure that the crate’s size is enough for your dog. Don’t buy a small one so as not to restrict your dog’s movement inside and make him uncomfortable. Don’t also buy a large one because your pup might make a potty area inside his crate. 

Signs That Your Goldendoodle Needs a Potty Break

One of the crucial factors to successfully potty train is to know the signs that your Goldendoodle wants to relieve themselves. You need to know the signs that your Goldendoodle needs to relieve himself.  

Here are the signs that your dog needs a potty break:

  • Circling in one area
  • Sniffing the ground
  • Scratching the ground or the door
  • Whimpering

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Potty-Training a Goldendoodle

When do I start potty-training my Goldendoodle?

You can start potty training your Goldendoodle as early as five weeks old, but consistent training should start when he reaches twelve weeks old. 

Is crate training good for my Goldendoodle?

Yes, crate training will help your Goldendoodle learn to hold on and relieve himself when you open the crate and lead him to his potty place. 

Can Goldendoodles hold their bladder?

Yes, they can. The age of Goldendoodle is usually correlated with how long they can hold their pee. A twelve-week-old Goldendoodle pup can hold it for 2 hours, while a six-month-old one can hold it for six hours.  

Are Goldendoodles trainable?

Yes, they are highly trainable. They inherited their intelligence and need for mental stimulation from their parents, Golden Retriever and Poodle, both known for their intelligence and active lifestyle. 

How will I know if my Goldendoodle wants to relieve himself?

Signs that your Goldendoodle needs a potty break include:

  • Scratching the ground or door
  • Circling in one area
  • Sniffing the ground
  • Whimpering

You have to be observant to notice the signs. 

What do I do if I can’t accompany my dog outside for a potty break?

You can use pee pads as an alternative for a potty break outside. It is easy to remove and clean. Just place it in the assigned potty area. Follow the potty training steps, but instead of going outside your house, lead your dog to the pee pads. 

FInal Thoughts

Goldendoodles are intelligent dogs who benefit significantly from early socialization and basic training.

If you’re unsure about how to train your Goldie, enrollment in an obedience class will give them the confidence they need while teaching good pet manners.

Always praise lavishly when doing so—and offer treats as well- because this pooch always aims to please!!

Thanks for reading, and all the best to you and your Goldie!

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More on Goldendoodles

If you’re simply in love with Goldendoodles and can’t get enough, then check out our other posts below:

Adeline Ee

Adeline Ee graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication and Marketing. Originally from Singapore, she now lives on the road after leaving a 15-year career in travel and hospitality. A fanatic dog-lover, scuba diver, rock climber, and outdoor person, she has a keen interest in environmental and marine conservation and continually strives to be friendlier to the planet.

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