How Long Does It Take To Potty Train A Schnoodle?

 A schnoodle being potty trained at home

A Schnoodle is a famous designer dog breed that is a cross between the adorable Schnauzer and the intelligent Poodle. Schnoodles inherit the best of both worlds from the parent breeds and are gentle, loving, intelligent dogs that are excellent companions for owners of all ages and experiences.

The Schnoodle is a wise dog eager to please, intelligent, and obedient. They are an intelligent breed, ranking seventh among the top ten smartest Doodles. Potty training a Schnoodle puppy takes an average of four to eight weeks and can be initiated immediately upon bringing a Schnoodle home. 

For many years, breeders have carefully cultivated this mixed breed. Schnoodles are lively dogs with plenty of personality, long lifespans, and few health issues. Schnoodles can also be hypoallergenic and suitable in a household with folks who have allergies.

Schnoodles are available in three sizes: toy, miniature, and standard, depending on the size of the parent Poodle. Each size’s height and weight are as follows:

• Toy measures 10 to 12 inches tall and weighs 6 to 14 pounds.

• Miniature measures 12 to 16 inches tall and weighs 4 to 20 pounds.

• Average stands 16 to 26 inches tall and weighs 20 to 75 pounds.

Even though the dogs are friendly by nature, without adequate training, they might react toward strangers and exhibit guarding behavior. Early training and socializing are recommended to avoid behavioral issues such as excessive barking or guarding the food bowl. 

Standard Schnoodles are larger and require early training to avoid aggression issues. For a family with small kids, smaller Schnoodles bred with Toy or Miniature Poodles might be more suitable, while standard dogs may work well in families with older children.

How Do You Potty Train A Schnoodle?

Potty training can be initiated way early, and early conditioning should start when you bring your puppy home. While potty training typically takes four to eight weeks, Schnoodles are wise, intelligent dogs that can catch on quicker. 

Keep in mind that puppies have tiny bladders and cannot hold their pee for too long. A three-month-old puppy can retain their bladder for up to only 2 hours at this age. Add another 2 hours for every month of age, and you have the approximate time that a puppy can hold its pee.

Here are some tips to start a proper training regimen to potty train a Schnoodle:

  1. Feed the puppy, wait 5 minutes, offer water, take him out to potty, and spend 30 minutes playing with him. 

2. Praise and treat lavishly if your puppy does potty outside. Be over the top! Let him think he just did the best thing in the world. 

3. A 10 week-old puppy should be taken out every 2 hours. Always give water before taking the pup out. Adjust the schedule by 15 minutes for each week.

4. There will be accidents in the house. Many Dogs are habit creatures and will pee over their scent, so use an odor neutralizer like this natural stain and odor remover from Only Natural (found on Amazon).

5. Never be mad when your pup pees indoors. Accidents happen, especially with puppies. Simply say “no” firmly and bring your puppy outdoors, praising and treating generously when he pees in an appropriate spot. 

6. Bring your puppy to the same spot each time. As mentioned, dogs will pee in the same area. 

7. Be prepared to wake up a few times at night to take your Schnoodle puppy out. Remember, puppies cannot hold their pee for too long, and it is likely that the first few months will be many nights of interrupted sleep! 

8. Enzymatic cleaners also work to remove organic stains and odors at a cellular level. We like this one from Simple Solution

Puppies may need a few minutes to sniff about before going to the bathroom, so be patient and wait. Once the dog has gone, reward it with some special treats for going where it was supposed to go. 

The reward can be something you wouldn’t typically feed, but use a super yummy treat like liver, sausage, or chicken parts. As a reward, you can also have a play session or take the dog for a stroll when it has completed the task.

Are Schnoodle Puppies Easy To Train?

Because the Schnoodle is the product of two intelligent breeds, he will be simple to train as long as he is motivated and challenged. Schnoodles are perceptive, intelligent dogs that will aim to please.

Schnoodles rank seventh among the top ten smartest Poodle crosses and are known to be obedient and willing to follow instructions. 

Insufficient mental stimulation might lead to destructive and undesired behaviors. Think about enrolling your Schnoodle puppy into an introductory obedience course. Not only will it provide mental and physical stimulation, but group classes are also an excellent socialization opportunity. 

In addition, intelligent dogs who are not adequately exercised or who do not have the opportunity to learn new things will be unhappy and unfulfilled.

Schnoodles tend to love water. Swimming is an excellent cardiovascular activity and helps improve and maintain muscle tone. 

Other fun activities can be flyball, agility, tug of war, and dog parks. As long as your Schnoodle is adequately exercised, he will be a happy, healthy dog. 

When Should You Start Training a Schnoodle Puppy?

From the minute you bring your puppy home, you can begin to train it. Puppies start learning from the moment they are born. Any competent breeder will start touching and socializing their litters as soon as possible. 

While young pups have minimal attention spans, they can start learning basic obedience cues like “sit,” “down,” and “stay” as early as 7 to 8 weeks of age.

By 12 weeks, puppies can be enrolled in basic obedience classes. Be sure to have your puppy fully vaccinated before contact with other dogs. 

Every experience teaches the dog something new, and delaying training means the pup will miss out on opportunities to learn how you want him to act. 

Puppies begin to establish fear and anxiety when they approach adolescence at about four months old, and constant positive reinforcement and socialization are critical.

In addition, anything that has been erroneously learned or educated will need to be undone and retaught. Use methods that rely on positive reinforcement and gentle teaching when starting training at 7 to 8 weeks of age and only praise, never scold, yell or punish. 

Puppies have extremely short attention spans, so keep training sessions very quick but frequently executed throughout the day. 

Schnoodle Crate Training

When you’re busy doing something else around the house and cannot watch your puppy, a crate comes in handy. In addition, when potty training a puppy, a crate will be your best friend. 

Dogs are den animals that need a secure, safe place to rest and sleep. When done right, a puppy will be entirely content to stay in a crate safely with lots of toys and a bed or blanket.

If you plan on traveling with your pup or transport it in a car, your dog will also accept being crated much better if already trained. Dogs that aren’t crate trained tend to freak out when confined in one. 

Crate training a Schnoodle puppy, or any other dog for that matter, takes a lot of time and a whole lot of patience. 

  1. Place a couple of chew toys in the crate, stuffed with small biscuits or treats. 

2. The pup may simply follow them into the crate and chew on them.

3. If that’s the case, close the door for a short time but stick around, so you’re near the pup.

4. A little patience will go a long way if your dog is hesitant to enter. Show the puppy the chew toys and treats before placing them in the crate and closing the door, leaving the puppy outside.

5. The pup may attempt to enter the crate to obtain the treats. If that’s the case, let it in but don’t shut the door. You may even put snacks on the bottom of the kennel to entice the dog inside. 

6. Allow the dog to wander in and out as it pleases while always rewarding it for being there until it is content to lie down with a chew toy. When you think the pup is ready and satisfied, close the door.

7. You’re almost there if the dog is content and focused on the chew toys rather than trying to escape.

8. If you’re having problems persuading the dog to approach the crate, lay treats on the crates outside and simply encourage him to investigate it. 

9. Place rewards closer to the entryway, then put treats inside with the door open. 

10. Begin by placing the puppy slightly inside the doorway, and as the dog gains confidence, move them further in.

11. Allow the puppy to come in at its own pace, rather than forcing it. 

12. Allow it to come and go as it pleases on the inside.

Don’t leave your dog in the crate for too long at a time. Begin with extremely brief periods of a few minutes at a time and progress very slowly, only increasing the time when it seems your puppy is content and comfortable. 

Dogs are clean animals that will not soil their crates, so take your puppy out very frequently for potty breaks and praise and treat like crazy when he goes potty in the right spot outside.

Soon, your puppy will realize that the crate is his home, and his toilet breaks should be done outside because he isn’t being rewarded for accidents indoors. 

Schnoodle Puppy Preparation

If you’ve just gotten a Schnoodle puppy, congratulations! The work has just begun, though, and you’ll need to prepare for the arrival of your new family member before bringing him home.

Puppy proofing your home is vital in ensuring the safety of your new puppy to prevent any mishaps to your family member. Puppies are naturally inquisitive creatures with a lot of energy, curious about everything and wanting to try everything at least once. 

Puppies require boundaries and safety in the same way as toddlers do. Preparing for a new addition to your family and life entails thoroughly examining their new surroundings. 

Aside from the essentials, such as bowls, dog treats, and toys, there are items in your home that your new pup shouldn’t have access to. Ensure your puppy or new dog is safe and secure before bringing them home by dog-proofing your home.

Tips for Puppy Proofing:

  1. It will be funny, but get on your hands and knees and crawl around the house, looking for anything that your pup could potentially get into.

2. Keep any medications and supplements securely in drawers.

3. To keep your dog from swallowing potentially harmful items, keep food in closed cupboards, drawers, or the pantry. Dogs get poisoned by xylitol, chocolate, grapes, onions, and other human foods, which can be fatal.

4. Place your trash can in a secure location, such as under the sink. To keep your dog from knocking over the trash can, use one with a sturdy top and a weight at the bottom.

5. Any chip or food bag should be cut up. Cut the bag on both sides to fold flat and isn’t a suffocation threat. 

6. Keep your cleaning supplies and dish detergents out of reach of your dog. A child-proof cap will not withstand a dog’s chewing, so keep these items out of reach.

7. Keep all cables and cords safe out of reach.

8. Check the yard and ensure there are no gaps in the fence or any plants that your puppy could eat and get sick from. 

Final Thoughts 

Schnoodles are happy-go-lucky, intelligent dogs that make excellent family pets, even for inexperienced or first-time dog owners.

With patience and lots of cleaning supplies, potty training a Schnoodle will be a breeze. Good luck, and may you have many happy years with your new Schnoodle puppy! 

More on Schnoodles

If you’re simply in love with Schnoodles and can’t get enough, then check out our other posts below:

Adeline Ee

Adeline Ee graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication and Marketing. Originally from Singapore, she now lives on the road after leaving a 15-year career in travel and hospitality. A fanatic dog-lover, scuba diver, rock climber, and outdoor person, she has a keen interest in environmental and marine conservation and continually strives to be friendlier to the planet.

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