Newfypoo vs. Bernedoodle: What Are The Differences?

Newfypoo vs Bernedoodle

Doodle dogs are utterly charming, and having one in your home can be a worthwhile experience. The Newfypoo and Bernedoodle are two of the most popular doodle dogs. They are pretty similar, but a few differences reign too. 

The significant difference is their parents. The Newfypoo is a crossbreed of the Newfoundland and the Standard Poodle. The Bernedoodle is a crossbreed of the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Standard Poodle.  

In this article, you will find a detailed comparison of Newfypoo vs. Bernedoodle highlighting their most dominant features and characteristics. You will get a deeper understanding of how these two are similar as they are different. 

Newfypoo vs. Bernedoodle Background

The Newfoundland and the Bernese Mountain Dog are similar in many ways, one of which is a striking resemblance at first glance. 

The Newfoundland is considered a giant breed bred to assist fishermen and work as water rescue dogs in Canada. A standard Newfoundland weighs between 45 to 70 kg and can be as tall as 74 cm. 

On the other hand, the Bernese Mountain Dog was initially bred as a farm dog in the Swiss Alps. It has a bright, striking tri-colored coat which is quite attractive to many. A standard Bernese Mountain Dog weighs between 36 to 50 kg and can be as tall as 70 cm. 

Newfypoo vs. Bernedoodle Appearance

As mentioned, the Newfypoo and the Bernedoodle are pretty similar at first glance, but they have a few differences. As far as appearance goes, the main differences are in the size, color, and coat type, all discussed below. 


The Newfypoo is a large doodle mix, with most of them meeting the requirements to be referred to as giant dogs. Newfypoo can reach heights between 53 cm and 74 cm, with some growing taller. They can weigh between 35 and 70 kg; therefore one of the largest doodles around. 

The Bernedoodle is similar to the Newfypoo as far as height goes, growing as tall as 50 to 74 cm. However, Bernedoodles are a little lighter and average between 30 and 50 kg. 

This is the standard; however, it is essential to note that most hybrid dogs can grow bigger than their largest parent. That means you may come across a Bernedoodle larger than a Newfypoo even though they are known to be smaller.  


Do the Newfypoo and Bernedoodle differ in color? Well, the color each of these dogs takes depends on the color of the Poodle parent, and as we all know, Poodles come in various colors. 

However, we cannot overlook the tri-colored coat of the Bernese Mountain Dog that is rare in Poodles and Newfoundlands. 

Therefore, if you like the tri-colored coat, Bernedoodles may be your best option. But note that not all Bernedoodles are tri-colored as the Poodle coat comes to play too. Bernedoodles are standard in Black, Black and White, Black and Brown, Marble and Sable. 

Newfypoos do not feature tri-colored coats and are common in Black, Brown, Black and White, Grey, and Brown and White. Remember, the color purely depends on the parents’ colors, the Newfoundland and the Poodle. 

Coat Type 

The Newfypoo coat varies from wavy to tighter textures, resembling those of the Poodle. Newfypoos are heavily coated doodles, therefore requiring regular grooming. 

Some Newfypoos have a coarse water repellent coat, while others have a softer Poodle-like coat prone to matting and tangling. Whatever the coat your Newfoo comes in, it is worth noting that they require regular clipping to keep the hair shorter and less prone to tangles. 

Even with the heavy coat, Newfypoos are low to non-shedding dogs. You may get a few strands of hair when grooming a Newfypoo, but that is common in all low-shedding dogs. That said, expect to spend a lot of time grooming your Newfypoo to keep the coat manageable. 

The Coat of the Bernedoodle is wavy or curly, similar to that of the Newfypoo. However, it is softer to touch taking after the Bernese Mountain Dog’s coat. Even so, the coat requires regular grooming since it is prone to matting if you do not brush it as needed. 

Bernedoodles are considered low to non-shedding too, but this depends on how well you maintain the coat. This characteristic is from their Poodle parent, who is known to be non-shedding, but as with all dogs, regular grooming is necessary. 

Newfypoo vs. Bernedoddle Temperament

Before settling on a dog to bring home, you ought to consider their temperament. This is because a dog’s personality significantly impacts how they relate to you, your children, and other pets at home. 

Newfypoo Temperament

The Newfypoo is gentle, friendly, calm, and loving and takes much of that from the Newfoundland parent. However, your Newfypoo may portray other temperaments considering the dominant genes from each parent. 

That said, your Newfypoo can be very chilled or athletic, and there is nothing wrong with that. Yours might enjoy the outdoor or snuggle on the couch all day; it all varies from one dog to the other in addition to how the dog has been socialized. 

The Newfypoo is known as a ‘nanny’ dog, therefore caring around children and other animals. Newfypoos are some of the dogs less prone to aggression, thanks to their calm, gentle demeanor.  

Even so, Newfypoos can be a little stubborn, just like the Newfoundland, and a little sluggish in picking up habits. Due to their large size, they can easily knock small kids and other animals; therefore, early training and supervision are essential. 

Bernedoodle Temperament 

The Bernedoodle is equally friendly, loyal, and goofy. Bernedoodles are slightly more energetic than Newfypoos and can be pretty hyperactive when young. Therefore, they need the training to manage their high-energy levels and relate to people more calmly and gently. 

Bernedoodles are intelligent dogs, more than the Newfypoo, and respond well to training. However, they can be stubborn in the adolescent stage; thankfully, this stage passes quickly. Bernedoodles enjoy human interaction but can be mischievous if bored for a long time.

Generally, Bernedoodles have more energy compared to Newfypoos; therefore enjoy more time outdoors, walking, or playing in the backyard. They relate well to other animals and kids with little supervision, especially when around smaller kids. 

Newfypoo vs. Bernedoodle Maintenance

Taking care of a dog is by no means easy, regardless of the breed you choose. It is therefore vital to understand what Newfypoos and Bernedoodles demand as maintenance. That way, you can weigh your options and see what works well for your family dynamics. 

Nutrition Needs

Both the Newfypoo and Bernedoodle are large, fast-growing dog breeds. This means they need proper nutrition to support their growth while managing weight to keep them healthy all through life stages. 

A rule of thumb is to ensure high-quality food with essential nutrients such as carbs, protein, vitamins, minerals, and fats. A simple guide is feeding your pup 10% of their bodyweight split into four meals a day. 

As they grow, you reduce the food to 4% of their body weight split into two daily meals. Like most other dogs, Newfypoos and Bernedoodles prefer to eat several times a day rather than having one large meal. This prevents bloating and helps to maintain their energy levels all day. 

Exercise Needs

Exercise in dogs is necessary to keep them active and healthy. Both Newfypoos and Bernedoodles require some time outdoors engaging in low to moderate exercise. As with many other large breeds, limiting activity as they grow is advisable to prevent joint issues. 

Both dogs grow rapidly, and carrying their large body on immature bones may cause problems once they mature. Therefore stick to 5 minutes per month of age until the dog grows into an adult. 

For example, if you have a 5-month old Newfypoo or Bernedoodle puppy, limit exercise to 25 minutes a day. This could be a morning or late afternoon walk, a gentle fetch session in the backyard, or a chase at the park. 

It is best to avoid taking the stairs or jumping on and off objects when they are young. This type of activity can be strenuous to their developing muscles and joint issues and, if not avoided, can lead to joint problems once your dog matures. 

The best approach is to let your dog guide you on its exercise needs. Pay attention to how fast it tires during activity, how long it lasts during walks and how stubborn it gets after exercise. This will guide you on the appropriate time for activity to avoid overexerting your dog. 

Newfypoos need slightly less exercise than Bernedoodles since they are less energetic. But, both need regular walks, at least once a day, to engage their muscles and maintain a healthy weight. Also, give them some time off-lead and access to a garden, yard, or park. 

Remember, Newfypoos and Bernedoodles have a heavy coat and may not do well in the heat. Plan their outdoor time when it is cooler outside since they tend to get hot and uncomfortable under the hot sun. 

Newfypoo vs. Bernedoodle Health 

As with all dogs, it is essential to consider the health issues associated with the breed you want. If you are getting your Newfypoo or Bernedoodle from a breeder, make sure they have run health tests on their parents. 

Both breeds are large and prone to hip and elbow dysplasia. Although this health problem is not genetic, it is crucial to keep it in mind. This is why it is advisable to limit exercise as overexercising can increase the chances of developing this issue. 

Newfypoos are prone to cherry eyes, where the inner eyelids swell, turn red, and protrude. The condition can be uncomfortable and requires surgery to correct. Therefore, it is vital to keep an eye on your Newfypoo’s eyes and seek vets’ attention if you notice any changes. 

Another condition to keep an eye on is Cystinuria which manifests as crystals in the urine. This condition is common in Newfoundlands and can be an issue in Newfypoos too. Testing the parents is essential, as this condition is hereditary; therefore, it can be passed down to puppies. 

During testing, one of the parents may be found to be a carrier. If the other parent is clear of the condition, the puppies may turn out clear or carriers but will never be affected by the disease. However, if both parents are found to be carriers, then the puppies may develop the condition. 

The Bernedoodle is as prone to joint issues as the Newfypoo. Sadly, the Bernese Mountain Dog is one of the dogs with the shortest lifespans as a more significant number of them are affected by cancer. 

This is why it is crucial to buy from a reputable breeder that runs comprehensive health tests to rule out such health issues. The good thing is Poodles are known to have a long lifespan and are some of the healthiest dogs; therefore, the Bernedoodle can live for many years. 

In no scenario is someone able to predict how healthy your dog will be. You could get your Newfypoo or Bernedoodle puppy in its healthiest state and later compromise that with the kind of lifestyle you give your dog. 

Therefore, pay attention to the kind of diet you give your dog, the type and amount of exercise your dog gets, and the overall environment you raise your dog in. Stay on track with vet visits and grooming sessions to ensure overall health. 

Final Thoughts 

Newfypoos and Bernedoodles are pretty similar, but the differences are apparent. They are both large dog breeds, have outstanding personalities, and require the same amount of care and maintenance.

They are both fantastic companion dogs for families, thanks to their gentle and calm demeanor. This article can guide you on choosing between a Newfypoo and a Bernedoodle, ultimately helping you figure out the similarities and differences between these two lovely breeds.

Maureen G.

Maureen has been a Content Writer in the pet niche for over 5 years. She has vast knowledge on dog-related topics including dog breeds, dog health, dog care, and nutrition. With keen interest on the evolving world of dogs, Maureen stays on top of developments, specifically designer dogs. She is a part-time volunteer in dog shelters and rescue centers, therefore conversant with the day-to-day lives of dogs.

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